Co-Host a Breakout Session
Breakout Sessions are an exciting new addition to the conference. Each will be jointly hosted by the Welsh Liberal Democrats and partner organisations like yours. These sessions cover a variety of topics, ranging from policy development to internal party discussions, offering an excellent opportunity for internal party groups, as well as campaigning and public affairs organisations, to collaborate as co-hosts.
What to Expect
Choose from the following breakout sessions to co-host:
- Candidate and Observer Speed Dating - Conference observers get to present their key “ask” in brief conversions with party members applying to become Senedd candidates.
- Councillors Forum - A platform for councillors to meet with the party leadership and prospective candidates to discuss the pressing challenges councils across Wales are facing.
- Young People's Forum - A space for Welsh Young Liberals to engage with the party leadership and potential candidates on issues that matter to young people.
- Senedd Election Campaign Briefing - An exclusive briefing for party members on the Senedd election strategy. Note: Co-hosting this session is open to internal party organisations only due to its confidential nature.
- Local Party Forum - A chance for members of Local Party Executives meet with the Welsh Liberal Democrats' Officer team to address challenges. Note: Co-hosting this session is also limited to internal party organisations.
Breakout session rooms accommodate at least 30 attendees and are located within the conference venue, making it easy for members to participate.
Each session lasts for one hour, with time slots available on Saturday and Sunday, including breakfast sessions, lunchtimes, and slots after the conference wraps up on Saturday. We’ll guide you on selecting the most suitable time when you enquire.
Breakout Session Package
As a co-host, you’ll:
- Have an opportunity to display your banners in the room and introduce your organisation at the session's start.
- Jointly developed agenda along with the Welsh Liberal Democrats.
- Recieve two complimentary Observer Passes, allowing your team to attend the full weekend, including the Q&A with Jane Dodds MS and David Chadwick MP, and the Public Affairs Social on Friday evening.
- A listing on the conference website, featuring your organisation’s logo and a 50-word description.
Cost for co-hosting a Saturday Lunchtime Breakout Session:
- £450 – Commercial / Government / Public Bodies / Universities
- £325 – Professional Associations / Trade Unions / Registered Charities / Lib Dem Affiliated Organisations
Cost for co-hosting a Breakout Session at other times:
- £350 – Commercial / Government / Public Bodies / Universities
- £250 – Professional Associations / Trade Unions / Registered Charities / Lib Dem Affiliated Organisations
Note: Should two organisations wish to co-host a Breakout Session alongside the Welsh Liberal Democrats, was each organisation would be changed 75% of the above price.
Additional Discount
Members of Public Affairs Cymru are eligible for a 10% discount on this package.